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Eric Verhoogen
May 30, 2018

How a Philly College Student’s Sneaker Start-up is Helping Latin American Artisans Climb Out of Poverty

“Is it transformative? Maybe not,” said Eric Verhoogen, a professor of economics at Columbia University who focuses on industrial development.. “But this sort of model can be quite beneficial for the community in which production is happening, in part because many times people in the community don’t really know what the end consumer in the U.S. or another rich country wants. The advantage that companies like this one bring is they know the consumer.”
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Mark Dean
May 30, 2018

Train Delays, the New Subway Plan and the Perception of Time

Behavioral economists speak of “loss aversion.” “If I give you $10 and take it away from you, that feels a lot worse than me not giving it to you in the first place,” said Mark Dean, an economics professor at Columbia University.
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Andrea Prat
May 22, 2018

Transparency and Deliberation Within the FOMC: A Computational Linguistics Approach (New Publication)

Transparency and Deliberation Within the FOMC: A Computational Linguistics Approach Stephen Hansen, Michael McMahon, Andrea Prat The Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2018
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Yeon-Koo Che
May 22, 2018

Recommender Systems as Mechanisms for Social Learning (New Publication)

Recommender Systems as Mechanisms for Social Learning Yeon-Koo Che, Johannes Hörner The Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2018
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Jeffrey Sachs
May 21, 2018

Scholar: Dumping Fossil Fuels by 2050 Needed to Save Climate

Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs said the world's ways of producing and using energy need to change "much faster, much more dramatically" than political leaders looking to tap hydrocarbon reserves understand. "So, if we want to move to zero emissions we better get the idea to move away from fossil fuels faster than Shell oil company thinks we can," Sachs told a conference in the Cypriot capital on the climate change challenges faced by Mediterranean countries and the Middle East.
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