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In Memorium: Yinghua He

YingHua He (何 英华) passed away on July 2, 2024 after a courageous battle with cancer. YingHua received his PhD from Columbia Economics in 2011 under the supervision of Bentley...
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In Memorium: Yinghua He

Mike Woodford Wins the Nemmers Prize

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Mike Woodford Wins the Nemmers Prize

Serena Ng elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (AAAS) 2024

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Serena Ng elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (AAAS) 2024

The Order of the Rising Sun Awarded to Professor David Weinstein

The Order of the Rising Sun, established in 1875 by Emperor Meiji, was Japan’s first award. It is conferred on behalf of the Emperor of Japan as one of the...
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The Order of the Rising Sun Awarded to Professor David Weinstein

Professor Pierre-Andre Chiappori is awarded the 2023 Jean-Jacques Laffont Prize

The annual Jean-Jacques Laffont Prize is awarded to a renowned international economist whose research combines both the theoretical and the empirical by Toulouse School of Economics.
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Professor Pierre-Andre Chiappori is awarded the 2023 Jean-Jacques Laffont Prize

Ebonya Washington Elected Vice-President of the American Economic Association for 2024

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Ebonya Washington Elected Vice-President of the American Economic Association for 2024


Can We Improve State Effectiveness?

Upcoming Events

Sixth Annual Columbia Conference on Economic Theory (CCET)
Kravis Hall
Thursday, September 12, 2024 - Friday, September 13, 2024


Is Journalistic Truth Dead? Measuring How Informed Voters Are about Political News
Andrea Prat , Charles Angelucci
American Economic Review, Volume 114, Number 4, Pages 887-925, April 2024
Gendered Effects of Globalization and Development
Joseph Stiglitz , Kevin Gallagher, Jeronim Capaldo, M. Shahe Emran, Arjun Jayadev, José Antonio Ocampo, Dani Rodrik
Journal of Globalization and Development, Volume 14, Issue 2, December 2023
Mandatory Retirement for Judges Improved the Performance of US State Supreme Courts
W. Bentley MacLeod , Elliott Ash
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Volume 16, Number 1, Pages 518-48, February 2024
Prolonged Learning and Hasty Stopping: The Wald Problem with Ambiguity
Yeon-Koo Che , Sarah Auster, Konrad Mierendorff
American Economic Review, Volume 114, Number 2, Pages 426-61, February 2024
Is it the Message or the Messenger? Examining Movement in Immigration Beliefs
Hassan Afrouzi , Carolina Arteaga, Emily K. Weisburst
Journal of Political Economy, Accepted, October 2023

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1022 International Affairs Building (IAB)

Mail Code 3308

420 West 118th Street

New York, NY 10027

Ph: (212) 854-3680
Fax: (212) 854-0749
Business Hours:
Mon–Fri, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
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