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New faculty featuring Tamrat Gashaw, Evan Sadler and John Asker
July 13, 2018

Department Welcomes John Asker, Evan D. Sadler and Tamrat W. Gashaw

John Asker, Evan D. Sadler and Tamrat W. Gashaw will join the Department of Economics this fall. John has been appointed Professor of Economics, Evan is Assistant Professor, and Tamrat, Lecturer in Discipline.
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Jeffrey Sachs
July 12, 2018

America is Falling Far Behind on Key World Goals

The idea of sustainable development is that every nation (and local community) should aim for a triple bottom line: economic prosperity, social justice and environmental sustainability. However, many of our politicians have never warmed to the idea. … Jeffrey Sachs is a professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University.
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Joseph Stiglitz
July 11, 2018

Nobel-winning Economist: Authorities Will Bring Down ‘Hammer’ on Bitcoin

Nobel prize-winning economist and Columbia University professor Joseph Stiglitz is among those critics. Although the ledger of transactions that has taken place on the blockchain is public, Stiglitz says the anonymity of bitcoin opens the door for criminal enterprises. "You cannot have a means of payment that is based on secrecy when you’re trying to create a transparent banking system," Stiglitz, 75, told the Financial News Monday.
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Jeffrey Sachs
July 11, 2018

Greed is Biggest Obstacle to Achieving Fair Societies, Professor says at UN

A well-known professor said Monday at a UN high-level meeting that the biggest obstacle to achieving fair societies is greed. Jeffrey D. Sachs, professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, said that the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are "This generation's only hope for creating peaceful, safe, fair and sustainable societies."
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July 10, 2018

The Long French Goodbye

In France, if things aren't going well for your business, you can't just close up shop and cut loose your workers — you actually have to prove that you can't afford to stay open. It's a system designed to protect workers, but it also has consequences for the rest of the economy. "I tend to think that it hurts. The bad efforts of this is showing up more and more," says Bernard Salanié, professor of economics and chair.
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