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Joseph Stiglitz Was Interviewed For A Profile in the Guardian

Professor Joseph Stiglitz was interviewed in an extensive profile piece for The Guardian where he discussed tax cuts and the economic impacts of the Trump presidency.
Joseph E. Stiglitz

Jeffrey Sachs Wrote An Op-Ed on Climate Change for The New York Daily News

On Earth Day 2018, Professor Jeffrey Sachs published an op-ed arguing in favor of climate change action in the New York Daily News.
Jeffrey Sachs

PER Mini-course: Coalitional Games and Farsightedness

This course, taught by Professor Rajiv Vohra, will explore recent developments that incorporate farsighted behavior in coalitional games, which are designed to model rational behavior when groups have the ability to make binding agreements.
Rajiv Vohra

Econ Grapples With What Causes Recession

Most of economics is pretty healthy as a discipline. But one branch has really been thrown for a loop — business cycle theory. The financial crisis of 2008 and Great Recession taught macroeconomists that they didn’t really understand the sources of recessions. The financial crisis of 2008 and Great Recession
Columbia Economics Faculty: Hassan Afrouzi and Michael Woodford

Jeffrey Sachs says deficits, surpluses irrelevant to trade policy

Deficits and surpluses indicate the relationship between savings and investment and have nothing to do with trade policy, a Columbia University economist said Friday, criticizing the United States' approach to resolve trade imbalance. At a symposium on multilateral trade and globalization at the United Nations headquarters, Jeffery Sachs said neither
Jeffrey Sachs

Joseph Stiglitz on U.S. Unilateral Tariffs Against China Undermine Rule-Based International Trade

Economist Joseph Stiglitz was quoted in a piece for Xinhua News on how unilateral US tariffs against China undermine international trade.
Joseph Stiglitz

Joseph Stiglitz: 2018 Sydney Peace Prize Winner on Tax Cuts and Trump

Ask Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz for his thoughts on the Turnbull government’s arguments that cutting the company tax will lead to strong investment and higher wages, and he doesn’t mince words: “I don’t think there’s any validity in it.The Columbia University professor and former chief economist at the World
Joseph E. Stiglitz

Jeffrey D. Sachs: We Can Fix This

"My Columbia University colleague Dr. James Hansen, for 30 years NASA's leading climate scientist, warns us that even with warming well below 2-degree C, human-induced warming could lead to the disintegration of parts of the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland, causing the sea level to rise by as much
Jeffrey Sachs

Stiglitz says true U.S. – China Trade Accord ‘Almost Impossible’

A meaningful trade agreement between the U.S. and China is unlikely as long as President Donald Trump fails to recognize China’s right to develop its economy, according to Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize-winning Columbia University economist. While a face-saving deal could arise that allows Trump to claim a victory for
Joseph E. Stiglitz

Nordic Countries Continue to Rank High In Happiness, While America Falls

In the World Happiness Report, there's a chapter devoted to the fall in American happiness - economist Jeffrey D. Sachs suggest that there are three main variables behind it. "America's subjective well-being is being systematically undermined by three interrelated epidemic diseases, notably obesity, substance abuse (especially opioid addiction), and depression)."
Jeffrey Sachs
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Mail Code 3308

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New York, NY 10027

Ph: (212) 854-3680
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Business Hours:
Mon–Fri, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
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