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The Price Theory Summer Camp, led by UChicago economist Kevin Murphy, was created to introduce PhD students from outside the University of Chicago to price theory, which emphasizes the application of basic economic tools to problems.  During this intensive one-week program, students hear lectures from UChicago and visiting faculty and experience a series of “Chicago-style” seminars where faculty present their research in progress. Participants also work on problem sets in workshops and have opportunities to discuss their own work with some of the world’s leading economists.

The program is geared toward PhD students in Economics who have completed their third or fourth year of study, but applications are accepted from doctoral candidates of all levels. Funding is provided to all accepted applicants to cover travel, accommodations, and meals.

Click here to learn more and apply.

Due to strong interest in the program, there is a competitive application process. Applicants must submit the following materials by February 1, 2024:

You will be prompted to include references and upload your resume in the online application form. All sections of the form must be completed for your application to be considered.

If you have any questions about the application process, please email bfi-events@uchicago.edu.
For more information, visit the 2024 Price Theory Summer Camp webpage.

1022 International Affairs Building (IAB)
Mail Code 3308  
420 West 118th Street
New York, NY 10027
Ph: (212) 854-3680
Fax: (212) 854-0749
Business Hours:
Mon–Fri, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

1022 International Affairs Building (IAB)

Mail Code 3308

420 West 118th Street

New York, NY 10027

Ph: (212) 854-3680
Fax: (212) 854-0749
Business Hours:
Mon–Fri, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
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