Honors and Prizes
Anna J. Schwartz Fellowship for Best Prospectus Defense
The prize is given in honor and memory of Anna Jacobson Schwartz, a leading PhD alumnus of the department who made major scholarly contributions to monetary economics and broke barriers for women across all fields of economics.The list of award winners is as follows:
2023/24: Laura Caron
In Memoriam | Anna J. Schwartz
The Dhrymes Econometrics Award
The Dhrymes Econometrics Award was created by the Department of Economics thanks to an anonymous donation. It honors the memory of Professor Phoebus Dhrymes (1932-2016), a distinguished econometrician who taught at the Department from 1973 to 2013 . The award provides support to doctoral students who (i) are pursuing research in econometrics (theoretical or applied), and (ii) are enrolled in their third or fourth year.
The list of award winners is as follows:
2017/18: Junlong Feng and Leonard Goff
2018/19: Nathaniel Mark and Xiao Xu
2019/20: Bruno de Albuquerque Furtado and Paul Koh
2021/22: Susannah Scanlan
2022/23: Krishna Kamepalli
In Memoriam | Phoebus J. Dhrymes
Harriss 2nd-Year Paper Fellowship
The list of fellowship recipients is as follows:
Runners up (alphabetically):
Runners up (alphabetically):
Runners up (alphabetically):
The Padma Desai Dissertation Prize
The Padma Desai Dissertation Prize is awarded each year to a Ph.D. candidate who provided the best dissertation defense. This prize was generously endowed by Professors Padma Desai and Jagdish Bhagwati in 2019.
The list of award winners is as follows:
2018/19: Weijie Zhong
2019/20: Juan Herreno
2020/21: Duarte Goncalves
2021/22: Maggie Shi
2022/23: Roman Rivera and Yu Fu Wong
2023/24: Wendy Morrison
In Memoriam | Padma Desai
Reubens Travel and Research Award
Vickrey Fellowship for Best Third-Year Paper
Each year, the Academic Awards Committee evaluates papers from third-year Ph.D.s.
The list of fellowship recipients is as follows:
Winner: Yi Jie Gwee for “Great Expectations: Coordinating Devices and Urban Development in 17th Century London”
Runner Up #1: Sakshi Gupta for “Gender Identity and Relative Income within Households: Evidence from India”
Runners Up #2: Andrew Olenski and Szymon Sacher for “Cream Skimming in Long-Term Care Markets”
Winner: Suneil Parimoo for “Robust Pricing Mediation in Bargaining ”
Runner Up #1: Utkarsh Kumar for “Severe Air Pollution, Transportation and Economic Activity in India”
Runners Up #2: Mitchell Vaughn for “Output Volatility and Borrowing Constraints”
Winner: Palaash Bhargava and Cesar Barilla for “Grandma, sing me a climatic lullaby? — Historical origins of stated environmental preferences”
Runner Up #1: Kosha Modi for “Loan Covenants and the Investment Channel of Monetary Policy”
Runners Up #2: Victoria Mooers for “Social Connectedness and Political Accountability”
Winner: Laura Caron for “The Impacts of Disability-Inclusive Public Education: Evidence from Triple Difference-in-Difference with Staggered Treatment”
Runner Up #1: Tianhao Liu for “Misleading via Misspecification: Nonuniformity of Learning Robustness”
Runners Up #2: Yangfan Zhou for “Credible Contracts: Joint Design of Evaluations and Payments”
Winner: Patrick Farell for ““Populations in Spatial Equilibrium”
Runner Up #1: Myunghyun Song for “Identification and Inference in General Bunching Designs”
Runners Up #2: Dafne Murillo and Eshaan Patel for “Power, Targeting, and Firm Growth”
Wueller 4th-Year Pre-Dissertation Fellowship
Winner: Anastasia Burya and Shruti Mishra for their joint work on “Flattening of the Phillips Curve: Significance of Small Firms”
Runners up (alphabetically):
Winner: Roman Rivera for “The Effect of Electronic Monitoring on Defendant Outcomes”
Runners up (alphabetically):
Winner: Akanksha Vardani for “Development and Residential Property Rights in Rural India”
Runners up (alphabetically):
Wueller Fellowships for Best Teaching Fellows
Runner up: Tam Thi Mai, Matthew Mazewski
Runner up: Paul Koh, Paul Bouscasse
Winner, Principles of Economics: Olufemi Olaleye
Runner up: Kosha Modi
Winner, Core Courses (Intermediate Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Introduction to Econometrics): Suneil Parimoo
Runner up: Motaz Al-Chanati
Winner, Undergraduate Elective Courses: David Rosenkranz
Runner up: Tatyana Avilova
Winner, MA Program: Jongho Lee
Runners up: Martsella Davitaya, James (Yuchen) Jiang
Winner, PhD Program: Jeffrey Guo
Runner up: Palaash Bhargava
PER Field or Experimental Research & Data Purchase Grant Recipients
Field or Experimental Research:
Data Purchase:
Sakshi Gupta
Lucas Husted, Vinayak Iyer, and Divya Singh
Eugene Larsen-Hallock and Hong Ken Teoh
Field or Experimental Research:
Guy Aridor
Naman Garg
Michelle Jiang
Victoria Mooers and Lucas Panico de Lara
Silvio Ravaioli
Data Purchase: