NYU SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics chapter) is pleased to invite you to “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Climate Modeling* (*But Were Afraid to Ask),” a seminar talk given by Professor Edwin Gerber. The seminar will take place on October 28 at 7:30pm.
Edwin Gerber is a Professor in the Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science within the Mathematics Department at New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. As a climate scientist, he deals with the question of how man-made climate change’s challenges can be solved by human ingenuity as overwhelming scientific evidence shows that people are warming the Earth beyond natural variability.
The seminar will keep you at the edge of your seat as the talk will discuss the greatest challenges of this century: global warming and associated changes to Earth’s climate driven by human activity.
You may have heard about the Paris Agreement targets to limit global warming to 1.5 or 2 degrees. How fast do we need to act to meet these goals, or what might happen if we don’t do anything? To answer these questions, we need climate prediction systems, numerical models that allow us to project changes in our climate depending on our future choices, including what we do about fossil fuels, land use, and other forms of pollution. In this lecture and discussion, Professor Gerber will explain how we build and test these climate models, and why we are confident enough in their predictions to inform policy makers, and the public, about the hard decisions we need to make to protect our planet.
To sign up for this event and secure your seat, please RSVP using this form.
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For any other questions or inquiries, please DM @nyu_siam on Instagram or email us at siam.courant@gmail.com.