MESA Panel Discussion: Women In Economics
On September 20, MESA hosted the Women in Economics panel discussion. Two professors from Columbia University, Prof. Schmitt-Grohé and Prof. Erden, and three professionals from the industry, Miriam O., Wuwei C., and Ashley C., were invited to share insights on their career paths, the challenges they face as women and their advice to both the first-year and the second-year cohorts of the MA program.
In particular, the guest speakers talked about their current positions at work, the advantages and obstacles as women working in economics, the challenges they didn’t expect and, finally, the things that make them excited as they look into the future. The panel then concluded with Q&A and followed with a networking session, during which the students got a better opportunity to talk with each guest individually and develop connections with the speakers.

Women In Econ Panel Discussion

Professional and Academic Panel Discussion