The NBER is coordinating a number of fellowship opportunities for thesis-writing graduate students and post-doctoral scholars in the 2025-26 academic year. Graduate fellows generally work at their home universities, while post-doctoral fellows are expected to spend their year in Cambridge. For most fellowships, the application deadline is Thursday, December 5, 2024.
Further details may be found here:
* Aging and Health Research (8 fellowships based at NBER’s Cambridge
office pending continuation of funding by NIH; open to US citizens and
permanent residents)
* Consumer Financial Management (2 fellowships funded by the Institute
of Consumer Money Management)
* Gender in the Economy (3 fellowships funded by the Gates Foundation)
* Mathematical Talent among Youth (4 fellowships funded by the Agency Fund)
* Retirement and Disability Policy (2 fellowships funded by the Social
Security Administration and NBER)
* Aging and Health Research (2 positions, open to US citizens and
permanent residents; pending continuation of funding by NIH and NBER)
* Agricultural Economics (2 positions, open to US citizens and permanent
residents; funded by the US Department of Agriculture)
* Promoting Diversity in the Economics Profession (1 position, open to
US citizens and permanent residents; funded by NBER)
* Economic Analysis of Wealth and Income Inequality (2 positions;
funding pending)
* Economics of Crime (2 positions; funded by Arnold Ventures)
* Long-term Fiscal Policy / Public Finance (1 position; funded by the
Peter G. Peterson Foundation)
* Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Economic Outcomes (1 position, open
to US citizens and permanent residents; funded by Alfred P. Sloan
* Retirement and Disability Policy (1 position; funded by the Social
Security Administration and NBER)
* Transportation Economics (1 position; funded by US Department of