Enterprise Strategy is American Express’s internal corporate strategy group and operates like a consulting firm. We partner with Amex C-suite and top company executives to tackle global and high priority strategic questions facing the company. We’d like to...
MIT Sloan is hosting a Master of Business Analytics (MBAn) Information Session & Alumni Networking event in New York City on November 8! We hope to connect with high-potential students from Columbia. This event will consist of a brief admissions presentation and a...
Jane Street is hosting a special event and would like to invite economics students at Columbia University! We are holding our All Majors Estimathon® at our NYC office on Tuesday, April 4th @ 5:30pm. At this event, we’re particularly excited to meet students studying...
Texas A&M University is sponsoring a virtual conference for students who are interested in pre-doctoral research and PhD programs in economics. What: One-day virtual conference with speakers from many of the premier universities and institutions who hire...
Edgemont Partners is an investment bank specializing in M&A advisory for healthcare companies. We are looking to recruit first-year analysts and summer interns, and are hosting an information session to introduce the students to the offerings of the company. The...
Cornerstone Research is an economic and financial consulting firm that provides expert testimony in high-profile litigation. Cornerstone will be hosting a virtual information session for Columbia students from 7pm to 8pm ET on Wednesday, September 9th. We will also be...
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