General Information
The Stanford Economic Review (formerly known as Comparative Advantage) is the only undergraduate economics publication at Stanford University. For almost a decade, we have published incredible empirical research papers from undergraduate students across the globe, serving as a medium to amplify the voices of some of the world’s brightest minds. Since 2021, our publication has also been accepting qualitative pieces about modern economic issues for the commentary section of our website.
Submission Requirements
We are looking for research papers and commentaries from all fields related to economics, including public policy, finance, international relations, business, and more. Research papers are typically empirical in nature and are published in our annual journal issues. Commentaries may take the form of either “short-form” or “long-form” articles and are published on our website. Note that we only accept work that is written by undergraduate students and that has not already been published elsewhere. By submitting, you give the Stanford Economic Review the right to publish your work and make stylistic edits.
Generally, research papers should be no longer than 25 pages. Short-form commentary submissions must abide by a strict 500–1,000 word limit. Long-form commentary submissions must adhere to a 1,800–7,500 word limit. Note that captions, titles, and figure/image descriptions are not included in these limits.
Text must be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing.
Research papers must follow APA style and must include in-text citations and a reference section (bibliography). In addition, research papers must include tables, figures, and equations that are labeled and numbered. No footnotes, please.
Both short-form and long-form commentaries do not need to follow APA style. Instead, authors should simply include in-text hyperlinks to the pertinent sources any time that they reference facts, data, or evidence.
Author name and institution must be included. Research papers, theses, and course term papers require an abstract and acknowledgments.
Research submissions will include these attachments: (1) .tex or .docx file; (2) .pdf file; and (3) .jpg, .png, or .zip file(s) (for figures and tables).
Commentary submissions will include these attachments: (1) .docx file; (2) .pdf file; and (3) .jpg, .png, or .zip file(s) (only if the commentary includes tables and figures).
The Stanford Economic Review has one submission deadline for journal articles: December 15, 2022. However, commentaries are accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis, even after the December deadline has passed.
Submissions must be emailed to In the email subject line, include your first and last name as well as “Winter 2022-23 Submission – Research Paper,” “Short-Form Commentary Submission,” or “Long-Form Commentary Submission.”
Selection Process and Publication
All submissions will be reviewed rigorously, and we will select the papers and commentaries that best exemplify strong analytic thought and originality. Examples of past published journal articles and commentaries can be found on our website, https://stanfordeconreview.
If you have further questions, please contact us at