2024 Antitrust Writing Awards:
Best Student Paper
We are thrilled to invite students to submit articles for the subcategory “student articles” of the 2024 Antitrust Writing Awards, see here.
The aim of the Antitrust Writing Awards is to promote competition scholarship and to contribute to competition advocacy. The 2024 Antitrust Writing Awards contribute to this achievement by selecting the best antitrust writings published in the past year. The Awards consist of:
- “Best Articles”: best academic, and business articles written by one or several authors.
- “Best Soft Law and Studies”: best non-enforcement tools written by competition agencies.
- “Best Student Papers”: best papers written by current Law & Economics students.
The Antitrust Writing Award for “Best Student Paper” rewards one student paper that stands out by its originality or relevance to current antitrust issues. The winners will receive a one-year Concurrences+ subscription (which gives access to the entire database of writings, photos, and videos from Concurrences antitrust conferences, articles, and books).
- Students who want to participate in the competition must have been graduate students enrolled in a law school, business school, or graduate school economics program at the Master’s level or higher in 2023. Eligible papers must have been written or published by the student(s) during the year 2023.
- Students must submit the name of their school and proof of their enrollment when submitting their paper.
- Papers may be co-authored, but to ensure that every student has a fair chance of winning an award, one student cannot submit more than 2 papers.
Papers must be between 2,000 and 10,000 words long (including footnotes) and must be written in English. Papers can be individual or co-authored with other students only.
Selection & Voting Procedure
The Best Student Paper Award will be awarded to the paper which collects the most votes from a peer jury composed of George Washington University Law School students under the mentorship of Prof. Bill Kovacic.
1. Submissions
The deadline for submitting all documents for nominations is November 30, 2023. Submissions are to be done by using the electronic submission form on the Awards website (www.awards.concurrences.com).
2. Publication
The Awards results will be made public at the Awards Ceremony, which will take place on April 9, 2024, on the eve of the ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting, in Washington, D.C. The Awards results will also be announced via social media and emails to subscribers of Concurrences newsletters (sign up here) after the Awards Ceremony. The results will also be made available on this website.
3. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
Individual votes remain confidential. Click here to read the Terms of use and our Privacy Policy.
4. Miscellaneous
The Awards are managed by Concurrences. Concurrences, acting as the event manager, works to ensure that a sufficient number of quality articles and publications are submitted and surveyed, checks eligibility, and organizes the Awards Ceremony. Any unexpected issues will be dealt with by the Editorial Committee of the Awards.
Any questions regarding the Antitrust Writing Awards should be referred to awards@concurrences.com.