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Bridge to the Ph.D. Program




The Department of Economics is pleased to announce that it will continue to be part of Columbia University’s Bridge to the Ph.D. program in 2025.

The Bridge to the Ph.D. program is currently accepting applicants for the 2025-2027 program. The priority deadline is 1st February 2025. Please visit the Bridge to the Ph.D. program website for information about how to apply.

The Program is designed to increase the participation of students from underrepresented groups in Ph.D. programs in STEM fields, including Economics. It is an intensive research, academic, and mentoring experience for post-baccalaureates seeking to strengthen their graduate school applications and to prepare for the transition into Ph.D. programs. Recent bridge alumni have gone on to Ph.D. programs at Columbia University, but also to Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Cornell University, Northwestern University, the University of California-Davis, the University of Chicago, and Weill Cornell Medical College.

Bridge participants are hired as full-time Columbia University research assistants for up to two years and conduct research under the mentorship of faculty members. Potential research areas within the department include behavioral economics, development, education and health, and political economy. An overview of the department’s research can be found on the Program for Economic Research website. The faculty webpage is also searchable by research area.

The 2025-27 salary for Bridge RAs in economics is a minimum of $54,608 per year. Program participants are also provided with $2,000 per year to support professional and educational expenses (examples include travel to professional conferences and the purchase of books), and, as full-time employees, are eligible for University benefits.

Additionally, Bridge participants typically enroll in one to two courses per semester at Columbia that are related to their future field of study. For economics scholars this might include mathematics courses, undergraduate electives in economics, or Master’s or PhD level introductory courses. The Program also provides monthly one-on-one progress meetings with the Program’s Director (Dr Richard Hagen), and organizes a number of professional development workshops, provides access to GRE test preparation, and partners with Columbia’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science to ensure success while at Columbia and to facilitate application to Ph.D. programs.

For more information please visit the Bridge to the Ph.D. website.

Please note that requests for letters of recommendation must be made through this application portal. Your letter writers will not receive the notification to submit their letters until you have submitted the application. Give them ample notice of your intent to apply, so they can upload their letters when you submit your application.

The Bridge to the Ph.D. program is currently accepting applicants for the 2025-2027 program. The priority deadline is 1st February 2025. Please visit the Bridge to the Ph.D. program website for information about how to apply.

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Mon–Fri, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
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