Welcome! I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Economics at Columbia University. My research focuses on development economics and international trade.
I will be on the job market this fall and will be available for interviews at the 2019 EEA Job Market in Rotterdam (Dec. 18 – 19) and the 2020 ASSA Meetings in San Diego (Jan. 3 – 5).
This paper explores the role of adoption costs as a determinant of managerial upgrading and proposes a feasible way to promote the adoption of better management practices by firms. Using a regression discontinuity strategy, I show that a subsidy to certify process standards, such as ISO 9001, increases certification probability and, additionally, induces the adoption of modern management practices that are beyond the standards' scope. Managerial improvement is concentrated in monitoring and target-setting practices, while no change is detected in practices related to incentives for employees. These findings are consistent with a model in which process documentation, which is required by the standards, and modern management practices are complementary and suggest that subsidizing the certification of process standards is a feasible way to improve management.
Exports and Wage Premia: Evidence from Mexican Employer-Employee Data
With Judith A. Frías, David S. Kaplan, and Eric Verhoogen.
This paper draws on employer-employee and longitudinal plant data from Mexico to investigate the impact of exports on wage premia, defined as wages above what workers would receive elsewhere in the labor market. We decompose plant-level average wages into a component reflecting skill composition and a component reflecting wage premia. Using the late-1994 peso devaluation interacted with initial plant size as a source of exogenous variation in exports, we find that exports have a significant positive effect on wage premia, and that the effect on wage premia accounts for essentially all of the medium-term effect of exporting on plant-average wages.
Work in Progress
The Impact of R&D Subsidies on Technology Adoption in Peru
Teaching is an integral part of my academic life. My experience includes undergraduate-level introductory and elective courses, as well as master-level econometrics
I am currently enrolled in the Teaching Development Program at Columbia University’s Center for Teaching and Learning. In 2018, I was Teaching Observation Fellow in the same institution. I was also CORE-Teagle Fellow in 2017 and 2019.
Teaching assistant positions at Columbia University
Principles in Economics (for Sunil Gulati) – Fall 2015, fall 2016, spring 2017, fall 2019
Intermediate Microeconomics (for Susan Elmes) – Fall 2017
Public Economics (for Cameron LaPoint) – Summer 2017
Teaching assistant positions at University of San Andrés (Argentina)
Principles in Economics (for Juan Carlos de Pablo) – Fall 2012
Intermediate Microeconomics (for Diego Fernández Felices) – Fall 2012
Econometrics (for Walter Sosa Escudero and Mariana Marchionni) – Spring 2012
Advanced Econometrics (master-level, for Javier García-Cicco) – Spring 2012