The Columbia Experimental Laboratory for the Social Sciences (CELSS) would like to invite you to participate in its activities. You can earn money, have fun, and help research, all at the same time!
All participants are guaranteed a minimum of $5 for showing up on time, and typically receive enough to keep them interested in returning for more participation. Experiments are anonymous and held to a strict rule of non-deception.
To register, visit our website and follow the instructions there. Registration only means that you will be invited when a study is open to participants. Nothing more happens unless you choose to accept the invitation and sign up for that study. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on a link provided in your registration email, or by directly contacting the lab manager.
(If you want to know more about CELSS, a joint laboratory for Economics, Political Science, SIPA, Sociology, Barnard Economics, and the Business School visit the CELSS website)
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at