Few global issues are as fundamentally important in so many ways as international free trade. Join us Monday, September 11th, 5-7pm, for a very special evening with five of the world’s top experts on the global rules of trade between nations.
The panel will provide a platform for academics and policy makers to discuss how to bolster trade and economic cooperation amid global economic uncertainties and rising protectionism.
The agenda of the evening’s event is as follows:
Chair and moderator: Jagdish Bhagwati, Former Advisor to the World Trade Organization; and University Professor of Economics, Law, and International Relations, Columbia University
“Are 1980s Trade Policies Appropriate for Today?” Chad P. Bown, Former Senior Economist for International Trade and Investment, White House Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) during the Obama administration; and Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics
“Déjà Vu All Over Again: Three Strikes and Out and the Trump Administration” Petros C. Mavroidis, Legal Advisor to the World Trade Organization; and Edwin B. Parker Professor of Comparative Law, Columbia Law School
“The Flawed Obsession with China” Phil Levy, Former White House and State Department Economist during the George W. Bush administration; and Senior Fellow, Global Economy, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs
“Preferential Trade Agreements” Pravin Krishna, Distinguished Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Please note that an RSVP is required to attend this event. Please arrive promptly to guarantee a seat. Press to register. If you have any questions, please contact us at columbia.per@gmail.com.
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