2023 Padma Desai Award for Best Dissertation Awarded to Roman Rivera and Yu Fu Wong
Roman Rivera began his PhD in Economics at Columbia in 2018, after completing an undergraduate degree in Economics and Master’s degree in Public Policy at the University of Chicago. His work focuses on the economics of policing at the intersection of law and economics, race, crime, and labor. His dissertation, “Essays on the Economics of Policing and Crime,” studies multiple policies currently being proposed to reform the U.S. criminal justice system, such as reducing pre-trial detention by using electronic monitoring, reducing aggressive policing by increasing minority representation within police departments, and reducing police misconduct. Before joining the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University as an Assistant Professor, he will complete postdocs at UC Berkeley and Princeton University.
Yu Fu Wong is a microeconomic theorist with a focus on organizational economics, information design, and experimentation. In his job market paper, Yu Fu explores the potential of monitoring technologies in maintaining long-term relationships in the presence of moral hazard. After obtaining his PhD from Columbia, Yu Fu will start his role as an Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick in Fall 2023.